Sorry! The Innovation Tactics 10% offer you were looking for is no more

You’ve arrived via, which you found in one of my articles or presentations.

Sadly, due to abuse of discount codes by a handful of affiliates, Pip Decks decided to stop all discounts, including the legit ones offered by authors like me.

Even though I won’t get the extra kickback, I’m still bursting with pride about the deck, and I encourage you to pick one up.

The only silver lining, if there is one, is that the price has come way down since they stopped the discounts, so you’re getting the deck at a better price anyway …

Even better: you can still get 20% off Set Your First Pivot Trigger

If you’d still like to support my work, why not get this video I made? It’s packed with secrets about how to use Innovation Tactics with your team.

  • End frustration and debates – you’ll cut to the crux of a project in under an hour
  • End long death march builds before seeing metrics – you’ll get the signals you need in days.

👉 Get Set Your First Pivot Trigger with 20% off